What do we offer?

IBIS provides a help desk manned from 8am to 8pm every week-day and 9.00am to 12.30pm on Saturdays to assist with your problems by telephone and e-mail.

As an accredited Microsoft Value Added Retailer we have access to Microsoft support at a level which is not available to the general public. This often allows us to provide the answer to your problem swiftly. Your problem is often resolved during your first telephone call but if it is more complex IBIS will use its best endeavours to provide an answer within 24 hours.

We cover the following operating systems and software packages :-

  • Windows: 7, 8, 10
  • Office Suites: Word, Excel, Outlook, Access, Publisher

What does it cost?

We provide free consultation as to your hardware and software needs, with a no-obligation quote to suit all pockets. Prices for support start at just £10 a month.

  • 3 Months for £35
  • 6 months for £65
  • 12 months for £120

All prices not including VAT.

Modern computers and software packages are extremely complicated and often leave experienced users confused and frustrated. This is doubly true for first time users who's initial joy at owning a computer is so often marred by niggling and apparently terminal messages given forth by operating systems and software which are often relatively easy to rectify given the knowledge that accompanies experience.

The wealth of options available to perform even the simplest of tasks can lead to the development of bad habits which stay with the user for many years into the future. Sometimes a single change to the set-up can enhance the user's experience out of all recognition allowing them to use the computer in the manner they expected when they purchased it. In order to somewhat alleviate this frustration IBIS are pleased to offer support contracts at a fixed price to home users and by quotation to business users.